👋 I’m Sandrine Favier, also known on instagram as @techgirlinthealps. I’m a Chief Digital Officer 👩‍🚀, a CX advocate 👂, a data charmer 🐍 and a Marketing technologist 👩🏼‍💻.
As you can tell from my instagram name, I live in the Alps, in Savoie to be specific, and I love living here and I’m planning to share some of the hiding gems in the Alps with you.

When it comes to work I’m a universalist, as define by PWC. I operate at the intersection of marketing, business communication and IT. I’m currently a CDO, but also a product manager consultant and entrepreneur. That’s many hats that I have indeed, but I’ve always been happy when busy, so… Let’s do this 💪

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Where to find me

Pixels and Bytes

Web Development – UX

Product Manager – Content strategist

SCF Lean Consulting

IT & Services Consulting

Chief Digital Officer

Deer Media

Digital marketing

Founder & C.E.O OF dEER mEDIA

What’s on

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Interesting Details

( English – French – German – Spanish)
( Data Science – Marketing – Project Management)
Different Locations
(Lyon – Chambéry – Amsterdam)

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Digital Transformation insights

Want to know more about innovation, business operation, culture change ?

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Web development & innovation

Digital & web agency in the Alps. I work as a Product Manager so if you’re interesting in UX, web development and technology overall, you might find some interesting articles there.


Digital Marketing insights

Want to know more about digital marketing, inbound marketing, Social media management?

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Richard Vora

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    News & Storie

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